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Get to Know Us

Spectrum Organizing Solutions is a small organizing business located in Middlesex county, MA.  It was founded by a mother with a son with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), who saw a clear need for organizing services geared specifically towards families who are caring for a loved one with Autism.  She brings positive energy and a sincere willingness to help make a difference in your life.

Empowering neurodiversitythrough organized space

Mission Statement

At Spectrum Organizing Solutions we provide a wide range of services to families with unique needs.  Our mission is to simplify your life by helping to create an organized and harmonious environment for all members of your household. Our customized approach ensures that each family receives the support they need to manage day-to-day life.  With our compassionate approach and expert guidance, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are not alone.


Organizing is not just about having a place for everything and everything in its place. It’s about creating functional systems that help you get through your day with relative ease, and allowing you to manage tasks more efficiently, so you have more time to focus on what matters most.


From decluttering and simplifying your home, to setting up visual schedules and sensory-friendly spaces for your loved one with ASD, we are here to support you and your family.

We believe that one is able to fully engage in functional living and learning when the environment is enriched and easy to navigate.


What we create

Many individuals with ASD tend to be visual learners.  That's why we offer personalized visual-based solutions to help with skills and language development.

In addition, those on the Spectrum benefit by having routines, and following schedules. These are effective tools for managing daily tasks and activities.

Whether your loved one learns better with photographs, illustrations, or even written instructions, we can help design learning materials that target very specific goals.

It's all about the space

We at Spectrum Organizing Solutions know that individuals with ASD often experience sensory overload. As a result, it is often difficult for them to stay
focused and centered.

Providing a quiet, sensory-conscious space, can be beneficial when the environment becomes overwhelming.

Having a safe space can also help with transitions,
which can be especially challenging.

What we do

Our objective is to make your life more manageable.  This means different things to different people.

Perhaps you need a system for organizing your kitchen cabinets and drawers, so items are within reach.  An organized kitchen means that your loved one is more apt to be successful with Activities of Daily Living (ADL's), such as emptying the dishwasher, setting the table or putting away groceries. This is a great way to integrate the needs of the household with helping your loved one develop a functional skill.

Have you ever dreamed of creating a filing system to maintain important documents or reference materials, that tend to accumulate quickly?  When a member of the family is on the spectrum, the paperwork seems to be never ending!!!!!  We get it!

Would you like  to gain more space in areas of your home? Is it time to purge unwanted items?  Are you always buying new items because, although you KNOW you have it, you just can't FIND it?
Let's decide what items you need, and then decide where you need to put them!
That's part of our C.O.P.E. strategy.  Categorize, Order, Proximity, and Ease of Use.  With our unique approach we can accommodate all your needs, and more. The possibilities are endless!!!

We believe that every small step towardsunderstanding each other's needs drivesnever-ending greatness for growth

Meet Tina

Founder and Professional Organizer 

As a Mom to a wonderful son with Autism, Tina understands the positive impact that an organized home can have on a family caring for a loved one with Autism Spectrum Disorder.


When her son was diagnosed with ASD at an early age, special educational services were limited, As a result, Tina advocated for, and established a home-based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Program, working closely with a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) for over 3 years.

Her organizational skills played an important role in her son's progress.  She designed his learning space to be sensory conscious, organized, and predictable.  In addition, she created numerous systems, activity schedules, and organizational techniques to support his educational programming. His ongoing progress, during this period, prepared him for the ABA programs he would later attend.


Over the years, Tina has continued to be closely involved in her son's education, adapting strategies, as her son matured. 


Her career includes working as a Human Resource Manager, as well as a Quality Control Specialist.  However, her true passion lies with the ASD community, and her desire to help other families. 


With her knowledge, expertise and understanding, Tina offers real life, personalized solutions to help her clients and their families thrive.


-Professional Organizer Certificate - IAP Career College 

-Attendee - Profound Autism Summit

-Volunteer - Ballroom Dance Performer - Autism Housing Fundraiser

-Volunteer - Teacher Appreciation Events

-Parent Speaker - ABA Fundraiser

-Parent Liaison - Children's Hospital - Autism Pilot Program 



Our Services




We offer a complimentary in-home consultation to assess your organizational needs, goals, and objectives.  We will evaluate the environment, determine a focus area, and review any obstacles.  We will discuss modifications, and assess the tools and materials that are needed to implement your personalized plan.




After the initial consultation, your organizer will create an action plan for the project.

An estimated cost and a description of what will take place, will be proposed.

After the plan is reviewed, a return visit will be scheduled.




Your organizer will visit your home for a minimum 3-hour session, to implement the proposed plan. 

Strategies such as the C.O.P.E method (Categorize, Order, Proximity, Ease of Use), will be used to help streamline the process. We will work efficiently to create a clutter-free and functional space.





We will review the final project with you to be

sure it suits your needs, and make any changes.  If you are interested in other projects, we can discuss them at this time. 

We are truly interested in your feedback, as other families in the ASD community may benefit from your experience. 






Service areas in MA, include: Bedford, Burlington, Billerica, Chelmsford, Concord, Dracut, Lexington, Tyngsboro, Westford, Wilmington and surrounding towns. 

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